Thursday, December 31, 2020


It’s my last blog post of the year and the last day of 2020. How cool is that! Such a “grand conjunction” calls for fireworks – an explosion of light and colour across the winter-dark sky. Or, at the very least, an explosion book! 

Earlier this month I followed a tutorial by Emily Harvey of The Curious Printmaker and made my first explosion book. The structure looks dramatic and complicated but is actually straight-forward to make. (That is largely due to Emily’s excellent instruction.)

(If you have trouble opening -- or even seeing -- the video, click the title in this post – that should open up the post in your browser.) 

I had a page from an old botanical calendar and loved the purples and greens in the charming antique painting. To keep things simple I cut up the image and augmented with bits and pieces of hand-printed paper in the same colour range. I used mat board and more printed paper for the covers.

Over Christmas I had the idea an explosion book might be a great way to keep the cards we’d received – like creating a small memory album. At first I had planned to use only the fronts of the cards but it’s the hand-written notes inside that mean the most. I enjoyed combining both the images and the handwriting, and then working in a few of the postage stamps (which, to me, are tiny works of art). For the covers, it seemed appropriate to use a bit of salvaged gift wrap.

If you're looking for inspiration it's worth browsing through The Curious Printmaker. There's instruction for taking your printmaking to the next level as well as fun and imaginative projects suitable for children and grandchildren using stuff from around the house (like crinkly potato chip bags, string, craft foam or even an old yoga mat!).

Making something is the best way I know to celebrate and I think we’re all ready for a fresh start and a bright 2021. May it begin with optimism and generosity and even a little fireworks! Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!